I think we have fallen into a PC vacuum.
Opposing sides of an issue make claim to the politically "correct cliché". Those who complain about PC the most are those who practice it the most within their own culture.
As an example: Those who are pro-gun but believe in a background checks and no open carry. They'll quickly be blasted by the "politically correct" - NRA style - gun owners for not being sufficiently pro-gun.
Criticizing someones religion = racism!
My issue is not with criticizing other religions such as Islam but in the fact that those who criticize it the most, like fundamentalist Christians, are hypocrites who cannot smell the stench of their own religion and scriptures.
Telling someone to not be so sensitive = misogyny!
Trump is disrespectful of women. That should be obvious to anyone who's been awake for the past several months.
Calling someone out on BS = "rabid attack!"
That's what Republicans/Fundamentalist Christians do when the mildest criticism gently wafts their way. The word that Fundies use is "persecution".